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piscina interrata nord sardegna ServiziWith concrete you can choose any possible shape and depth, matching it perfectly with the sorrounding area and property. The pool may be fully or partially in-ground, compatible with all types of coating, such as PVC sheeting, ceramic or mosaic tiles.

If you choose a reinforced concrete pool, it will be made according to the traditional structural work. On the one side this system would limit the choice of the pool shape and the laying costs would be higher. Of course on the other side you would benefit of structural solidity and a wide selection of materials.

The realization of in-ground pools allows you to make freer composition choices about shape and depth, but, in comparison to above-ground ones, the construction would be more invasive, besides costs and duration of the works would arise.

Since the construction of a swimmingpool means introducing important changes into the real property, you will need a special permission. The swimmingpool shouldn’t exceed 20% of the total volume of the main building, that is why before realizing an in-ground reinforced concrete pool, you have to ask for a prior bureaucratic approval by the entity responsible, that will give you the permit to construct or the so called “Dia” (declaration of commencement of building activities). More information to be found at the following link: Decreto del Presidente della Repubblica 380/2001.