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Mondo Acqua Piscine is a trademark by “Immobiliare R.C. Esse S.r.l.” property company, established in 2009 in Costa Paradiso Sardinia and founded by Carlo and Renato Santu, who have matured high experience and multiple professional qualifications in the field. Their work primarily consists in valorizing and building residential properties as well as dealing with the maintenance of plumbing and heating systems. Over the last few years the firm largely concentrated on the realization and the maintenance of private pools.

More specifically:

  • Private pools design, realization, maintenance and restoration
  • Purification and recirculation plant building
  • Water processing
  • Disinfection ( Chlorination and salt electrolysis)
  • Winter covering


Our firm guarantees a high level design and realization, that perfectly fits our costumer’s living needs by decorating any type of garden or outdoor area. We mostly find a solution in seemingly difficult placements as well, and still offer a high standard quality service.

progettazione e ralizzazione piscine costa paradiso

Our highly skilled professionals work on every single step of the realization and the maintenance, which are under constant monitoring. But most importantly we aim at offering our clients the best environmental technology on the market and we keep up to date on the newest research and innovation of the industry.

The after-sale client support and maintenance are both a priority for us, since we want to guarantee the highest safety service so as to make you fully benefit from your investment.

Beside top quality products we choose the latest designes, thanks also to the fact that we constantly take part in trade fairs, where we up-date our construction techniques in respect of all the eco-sustainable needs and the safety norms.

We offer technical advice to help you make the best choice and realize the pool of your dreams.

Relaying on Mondo Acqua Piscine would mean availing yourself of an experienced and qualified staff, who will check step by step the pool construction from start till end. Reliability and experience are at your disposal.